1467. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 22 February 2000 at 3:30 PM. in Spanish.
How is it going? How is it going My son? Here comes the Lamp, the Lamp of God. Yes - here comes the Lamp! It is going to light up the whole world. Yes, with the Word of God. Here comes the Angels. Here comes the Force of the Holy Spirit. Here comes My Son. Here comes My Word, all to the point! All! With the Flame of God, I tell the world, and I tell the world, but they do not believe Me. Here comes My Hand, with the Force of the Holy Spirit. I tell the world, and I tell the world, and they do not believe Me! But here comes the day, when My Hand is going to hit the world with the Force of God.
If you Love Me, you are going to read the Bible. You are going to pray. You are going to point your nose toward Heaven. For if you do not do what I have told you, My Hand is going to hit you with the Force of the Holy Spirit. Oh, what a shame! What a shame that you do not hear Me. You have your ears closed. You have your eyes pointed toward the things of the devil, towards the money, and at all that is filthy, but do not say that I did not tell you, when My Hand hits you. I tell you, and I tell you, and I tell you, and you make yourself deaf and blind, but the fault will be yours. For I gave you the chance, and you did not seek Me with the Heart of God, with the Heart of My Son, with the Heart that is good (righteous). Remember, here comes the hangman's noose, to hang you by the neck. Yeah, Yeah what a shame! That you are so stupid (dumb), but that is your thing, and the thing of your devil.
And the rest who are seeking Me - here comes My Son with the Love of Heaven, with all the Love that is good (righteous). Make yourself ready. Make your spirit ready, for here comes My Son with the Force of the Holy Spirit, with the Word of God, I tell you the Truth, to the point.
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