1511. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 15 June 2000 at 4:45 PM in Spanish.

Yes, Reymundo, all will go well! All of the things of the devil are filthy, all of the things of My Son Christ are clean. Yes, that is why I want you to go to South America. For the devil has South America tied in his hands and very tightly. Here comes the day of the rock, that is going to hit South America. The rock is going to make a hole so deep that it is going to frighten the world. With the Force of the Holy Spirit, the Father, and the Son, they are going to clean everything of South America. He is going to clean everything of the United States. He is going to clean of the entire world.

For here comes My Son to the point. And He is going to arrive with the Force of the Holy Spirit, with the Force of the Father, with the Force of the Son. I know that the world does not believe Me, for all is going well in the places that there is money. But here comes the end, if you believe it or not! Here it comes. I know the manner that it is going to happen and at the time it is going to happen. I tell the world and I tell the world, and no one wants to hear Me. The churches are asleep. They believe they have the Force of God, but they are asleep. They believe they know the Bible, but they only know the word of God in the manner of man. Here comes the day, that I am going to correct all to the point and there is going to be a river of tears for the things that are going to happen. There are going to be earthquakes, storms, and here comes the water of the ocean that is going to go up and down as high as mountains. Yes Reymundo, the day of South America, and the day of the world, has arrived.

I just want you to do what I tell you to the point. All will go well. All will go well in the manner of God. It is not important if people believe you. It is not important if they swear at you. It is not important the things that they say. For no one can stop the Word of God. All will go exactly and to the point like I have said, and how I have put it. Yes My son, get ready, I am going to send you to South America with the Love of God, with the Force of God, with the Word of God, with the Oil of God. For there are many people in South America that I want to save with My Word, with My Hand, with My Love. I have to pour oil in places that I am going to send you to. Yes My son, I know that you do not feel well, but the things of God are sometimes hard. I am going to send My Angels with you to the point, for the devil is strong in South America, but do not worry about these things.

For here comes the storm, here comes the rock. Oh oh oh, I tell the families of South America, the families that seek Me, that open their ears, that open their eyes to seek Me and to seek My Son Jesus, to seek the Holy Spirit. For here comes the point in the time that the river of tears is going run to the point. Yes Reymundo, the work that you are doing is very important, if people believe you or not. It has arrived, the end. Yes Reymundo the end has arrived, the end has arrived, the end has arrived. Yes, what a shame that the world and the churches do not hear Me. But that is the way it is with the ways of man with the things of the devil. It has arrived to the point. Yes, this is all that I want to tell you at this day, at this time. Yes My son, I am going to send you. I am going to heal you too, for you have done all that I have said, with the love of God. But all of the things have a time, they have a date. It has arrived, the end of the devil. I am tired of all the sins, to the point I am tired.


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