1603. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 8 March 2001 at 8:30 AM.

During prayer I was telling the Lord I could not go any further in my Christian walk. Since my return from Brazil I have been very tired and I just have to much work to do by myself.

I also spoke to Carl and Ron this past week about my situation and that I am at a lost at what do. I told Carl that my birthday is this Monday and I just feel like hiding from the whole world and everybody, but God just keeps pushing me further and further into the Spirit.

The Lord mentioned Africa while I was in Brazil, and frankly I cannot even think about another Mission Trip. I just need a little time to rest and collect my thoughts, but it does not seem like that is going to happen. For the Lord gave the following visions during my prayer time.


During my prayer the Lord gave me a vision of a plastic bucket full of water with a metal handle with a White Strip of plastic in the center of the bucket handle.


Then the Lord said, "Reymundo, you are the metal handle and you are holding up the Water for Christians to drink. Hang on My little son."


Then the Lord showed me a White bathtub full of water in the air.


Then the Lord said, "What are you going to do when the small plastic bucket changes into the White Bathtub of Water?

Frankly, I do not know! This ministry, money, personal, and health problems are just too much for me right now. If I could only stop for a little while and rest, but where can one go and hide from God and the world. I guess that is all for now.


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