1679. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 18 May 2002 at 12:30 AM.
I received the following e-mail and I prayed to the Lord as requested.
Dear Brother Aguilera,
My name is Sister Nadean XXXXXX and I am a resident of New York City. I would really appreciate it if you can share what the Lord has revealed to you concerning NYC. I have been following other ministers of the gospel such as XXXXXXXXXXXX. Their commentary is excellent and their prophetic announcements have come to pass.
Also, are you planning on coming to New York? Lord knows this city really need godly voices to speak to those who are famished for the word of God, and not a watered down version of His truths. With 9/11, anthrax, and now this mess with the catholic priests, is it any wonder that September 11th occurred? I believe the Lord is speaking to this nation and especially to New York among other places. I understand how busy your schedule must be, this is why a request of a reply from you would be fully appreciated. God bless and thank you for your consideration.
A servant in the Lord,
Sister Nadean XXXXXX
Then the Lord gave me this parable for the e-mail prayer request.
The Lord said, "For New York City's - Harlem and Hell's Kitchen, the best will be last and the Last will be first."
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