1682. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 26 June 2002.

During prayer with a few people from this prophecy ministry, the Lord showed me an earthquake or a large explosion. I could see room furniture moving from side to side, and up and down with a great force.

This was a shocking vision and left a strong impression on my spirit. So I shared with the others how I had never forgotten the prophecy, where the Lord instructed me to inform the churches and the newspapers about this earthquake that was going to hit California. I told them how over the years we had mailed these prophecies to churches and how we had just finished with the three months of Television Prophecy Ads. These TV Ads led people from the San Francisco Bay Area to the prophecy.org web site, but the Southern California area was left untouched by this TV Ad. I also told them I have been sensing in my spirit to place the Prophecy Television Ads in Southern California, and if I did this, it might be the completion of my instructions from the Lord for Prophecy 158.

So we decided to pray some more and Ron prayed for instructions if we should place the Television Ads in Southern California. During this prayer shock waves went through my body for the Lord said, "Do it!"

Then a little later the Lord said, "Seven years".

I do not know if the Seven years has anything to do with an earthquake or these TV Ads. But I know these TV Ads are going to be very expensive, but the Lord provided the money for the Television Ads in Northern California, so I see no problem with placing the Television Ads in Southern California. I just have to wait on the Lord to provide the funds for it. (over)

<Prophecy 158>



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