1695. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 27 August 2002 at 11:25 PM.

How is it going My son? How is it going? I heard you, when you were praying. Yes, I hear all. I see all. I read your heart, your mind, all that you have. I know yesterday, now and tomorrow. But look, the things of the Bible are certain. All that happened, and I knew what was happening. The same thing goes for today, the things that are going to happen, tomorrow, today. I know! Like I told you - I know the things of tomorrow too - to the point! I KNOW all - I know all before it happens. You know why? Because I am God! I made all with My Son, with the Holy Spirit.

It gives Me Tears, when I see the sins of all the people in the entire world. But here comes the day that I am going to correct all to the point. People are asleep, but here comes the day. Mark it on your heater for it is going to get hot. Yes! Mark it! For your heater is going to get hot in all parts of the world. Yes, here it comes to the point, the things of God. People believe in many gods in different manners (ways), but I tell you exactly to the point - that there is only ONE God, with the Son Jesus, with the Holy Spirit, and all is in My Hands. Yes, Reymundo. All is in My Hands!

I like the manners, the things that you are doing. I know that you still have worries, but I am going to correct all to the point. Here comes the storm. Here comes the earthquake. Here comes the bomb. Here comes the Hand of God. Yes, Reymundo, to the point! All is going to happen to the point. One day rapidly! Then people will know that there is One God that is going to correct all with the Son, with the Holy Spirit. And the rest, who believe in other gods - are going to be frightened. For I am going to hit them with My Hand. Rapidly and to the point! Yes, Reymundo. I tell you and I tell you and I tell you, for I want people to open their eyes, their ears. For My Son is all ready. I have given you many dates and here come the dates I have given you before.

Hurry (come on now), sleep, I will tell you more in the coming days. With My Love, I will see you on another day. Rest My son. The end has arrived. The end of all of the world, to the point. (over)


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