1711. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera 23 October 2002 at 1:20 PM.

What is north and what is south? What is north will go south and what is south will go north. What is west will go east and what is east will go west. The country is not as important as the continent. If you want to go to Kenya, you can go to Kenya, but you have to anoint two places instead of one. But remember, what is east goes west and what is west goes east. What is south goes north, what is north goes south. The point is not as important as the location and the location is not as important as the point. You are not anointing a country, you are anointing a continent. What is important is the Continent of Africa. If you anoint the south you are anointing the north, if you are anointing the east you are anointing the west.

The Battle Plan is ready. Look to the horizon, for as the sun rises and returns so will the moon, so will the warfare, so will the peace. The peace will be limited, the warfare great. The important war is the War of the Spirit. That is where the battle will begin. That is where the battle will determine the outcome of the battle on the ground. There will be a cause and an effect. I will protect My Body in Africa. The missionaries, the people that have nothing and the people that do not know Me yet.

Anoint Africa and see the wonders of God. The stage is set, the players have their role. The battles will not begin until you anoint the ground in the Continent of Africa. Remember the rising sun, remember the job that I have given you. It might not seem important to you now, but the Key to success is Anointing Africa. The timetable has been set, the players have their roles. Come, and do the will of God, for the Day of the Rising Sun is before you. You have the Key even though you do not see it. The Key that opens the Lock to the Things of God.

Praise be to Jehovah, Praise be to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Praise be to the Holy Spirit. Knock on the Door and it will be opened. Obey, and you will save many. So be it, so be it, so be it. (over)


Later the Lord said, "The Key is for setting the trap."


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