1724. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 19 February 2003 at 8 AM

I am your Father, everything I do is for righteousness sake. All the work that is requested is not work. It is an act of love because the Father Loves you. He asks you and because you Love the Father; you do what He asked. Remember, faith is dead without works. The work is Love. You have to Love, you have to work, you have to obey. Faith alone means nothing. Remember when you Love your Father you can move mountains by your faith. You can also create this unbreakable bond, this bond of Love, this bond of obedience, this bond that keeps you in My Hands. I Love you and you Love Me, don't sit on top of the word faith and do nothing. Because if you believe that is all you can do; you are lost. The workers are few, the harvest is great.

You have to Love your Father; like a child Loves His Father. Remember, those I Love; those that Love Me create a bond. This bond cannot be broken because it is not based on rewards. It is based on Love! Doing things for rewards are man's ways. Following your God, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit because you Love your God; is the way to Heaven. It places a mark of Salvation on your spirit and this mark is placed in the Book of Life. Not because you just believed and did nothing. It is because you worked or Loved your Father so much you obeyed Him in whatever He asked. The art of Love is simple; Love your Father, Love your King of Kings Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and the Holy Spirit.

But remember, you have to stay focused, you have to stay awake, you have to Love your fellow man. Times are coming where the Body is going to be shaken. You need the strength of Love for Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit; this bond that will not be broken. I protect those that Love Me, even though at times you sense I am not there. Believe Me, I am there; whether it is through sickness; whether it is through war. Whether it is debating if you will do what is right or what is wrong. Nothing passes My Eyes; nothing ever has; nothing ever will. But remember, Love your Father, Love your King of Kings Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Love the Holy Spirit.

Everyday you get one day closer to the end of what you think is this planet earth; this life that you have. We are going to change the whole system of life. The system of life that you believe you know. God created you and God can change what belongs to Him. Open those eyes open those ears; point your nose into the Bible. Remember faith is dead without works and works and faith is the Art of Loving you Father.

Peace be with you My Children. Peace be with you My Children. Peace be with you My Children. Remember Love one another with the Love of God. Look out after each other with the Love of God. For the Hand of God is going to shake this planet. People will die. People will find God. Churches will fall. Demons will rise, at least for a time, but remember everything is in the Hands of your Father Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.


Remember, I do not abandon what belongs to Me. I never have; I never will, but what belongs to Me obeys Me and Loves Me. And I cherish what I own. Until another day; hug and kiss your fellow brother with the Love of Jesus, with the Love of the Holy Spirit, with the Love of the Father Jehovah. (over)



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