1731. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 15 March 2003 at 11:35 AM

Good morning Reymundo. I see you have obeyed me. You went down to your office. It is the little things that I watch, because if someone does the little things, I know they can handle the big things.

Remember My Words, the Dome of the Rock in Israel will be heated like a pizza in an oven and removed hot. Remember, the Dome of the Rock will be removed by the Fire of Heaven. People believe in Buddha, Allah in all kinds of religions, but they are false.

There is only One God, that is Me, with My Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit. We made everything; the stars, the sky, the planet, everything you see, everything you touch; Everything is the wondrous Glory of Jehovah. So, this God, this Creator with the Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit is going to clean up this planet, He is going to clean up this universe.

The things that are will not be. Many will die. Many will cry rivers of tears. It is all written in the Bible. Some things you understand, some things you don't, but everything is written down. The stage has been set, the players have their roles. Rulers, Kings, Presidents - everyone who believes they are in charge will have a rude awaking. For the Power of God will encompass the whole universe. The intelligent will become dumb; the wise will seek their God Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. The ones who don't care will be eliminated. Those are hard Words, those are direct Words, but your Father Jehovah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit do not lie. Everything is in our Hands and the closing of this Book is at hand. Remember My Children, read the Bible, trust in your Father Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, for the end is before you.

You see these Muslims walking around this rock claiming they know a god. You see these Buddhists going to their temples and praying for wisdom and enlighten a form of god. They know nothing, they are wasting their time. It doesn't matter how nice their doctrine sounds, how it looks. I only protect what belongs to Me, those who are focused on Jehovah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit. Many people do not believe in spirits. That is their problem!

There is going to come a time of great confusion, calamity, disasters, only a few will survive: My Chosen. Remember the closing of the Book is at Hand, the Power of God is before you. Make yourself strong, make yourself brave and I will protect you and your children and your family, if they are focused, if they believe in Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Remember, the end is before you, the cleansing of the universe is before you. The Maker, the Breaker of everything there is, is speaking the Words of Truth and Wisdom and Love. So be it! So be it! So be it! (over)



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