1754. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 August 2003 at 4:33 PM
I am what you see! I am what you touch! I am all, all of everything that was ever made and everything that is going to be made. I am up. I am down. I am to the right. I am to the left. I am forward. I am backwards. The Power and the Might of Jehovah is incomprehensible. Just like His Love, just like His Kingdom. Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, will accomplish to the letter every word that I have said. Through the Power of the Holy Spirit, everything will be accomplished. What needs to be opened will be opened. What needs to be closed will be closed.
If you look to the east you will see Me. The Power of Jehovah will come to Jerusalem, Jerusalem My Beloved. Remember My Words, the Power of Jehovah will come to Jerusalem. The Dome of the Rock will be eliminated. The Arc of the Covenant will be reestablished with the Power and the Might of the Holy Spirit, through the Name of Jesus Christ, through your Lord and Savior.
Over the centuries many have lived, many have died, many wanted to see the coming of the Lord. The day is approaching rapidly to the point. The Muslims won't believe it. The leaders of the Body of the church of Jesus Christ will not believe it. The Mormons will not believe it. The Jehovah's Witnesses will not believe it - the Hindus. Every religion on this planet will be shocked. Of all the billions of people on this planet ONLY A VERY FEW will know it when they see it - will recognize the coming of Jehovah, the coming of Jesus Christ through the Power of the Spirit of God. Remember "At the twinkling of an eye" the Power Forces will come. Not by man's interpretations of the Bible, but by the Truth of Jehovah, the Truth of Jesus Christ, the Truth of the Holy Spirit.
The Planet will shake, the Planet will reveal the things of God. Many will weep, many will cry, many will hide in their houses, but where can you hide from your God? Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord. The day of vengeance is here. The vengeance of God is at your door. Remember the parable of the wide road and the narrow road. One leads to destructions, one leads to salvation. Enter by the narrow Gate for there you will fine Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
The governments of the world, no matter how much they say they believe in God - "They do not!" The power of the devil has them by the throat. The devil says jump and the governments jump. What a shame! What a shame! What a shame!
Many will die, the blood will flow, I will only save what is Mine! If you believe in God, read the Bible, pray, pray, and pray for yourself, your family, your neighbors. Remember the Passover in Egypt where the Angel of death passed over the homes that had prepared the way. The Love of Jehovah is infinite, but remember, I read the heart, not the lips. He will know them by their fruit. The world has never seen the Power of My Angels in the way they will see them in the coming days. They have no comprehension of the Power and the Might of Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Man believes he has power. Man has nothing compared to God, - the Creator of the Universe. Remember, you live by the world's standards; you will die by the world's standards. I do not care if you are a President, a Minister or someone living in the streets. If you truly believe in My Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you will be saved. You cannot fool God. You cannot buy your way into Heaven. You cannot talk your way into Heaven. Remember the scripture of the Good Shepherd. They know His Voice. The Sheep, the Lambs do not follow pastors, do not follow theologians, they follow Jesus Christ of Nazareth to the letter, to the point. Blind obedience - for Jesus is in them and they are in Jesus.
The Body of Christ is in a mess. The power of the devil has grown by different names, through different ways, but the time of the devil is over. The day of Grace is coming to an end. The Day of Jesus is before you with a double edged sword. Those who stand on the Rock will be saved. Remember, the Day of Jesus is here! Seek and you will find the Love of Love, the Peace of Peace.
Non-understandable Tongues:
Farewell, farewell, farewell, My Children. The point has been made. The Word has been given. The time is before you.
Non-understandable Tongues:
So be it! So be it! So be it! (over)
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