1826. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 August 2005 at 5:58 AM
The Art of Giving is Loving. The Art of Loving is being in line with your God Jehovah. The stars will fall. The sun will come up and down day and night, day and night will come. There will be a day when My Son will come with the Power and Vengeance of God. The Mighty Hand with a Mighty Triumph. He will clean, He will abolish all that is unrighteous, all that is unclean.
Those who are aware of My Lord, (those who are aware of Jehovah, those who are aware of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, those who are aware of the Holy Spirit); will be saved to the point. The knife is at the throat of all that is evil, of all that is unjust. Remember, the fall of Islam is the fall of all. The rise of Christianity is the beginning of the beginning. The path has been laid. The road is long and straight. Remember, the Hand of God is at the throat of the devil of all that is unclean, of all that is unjust. The Alpha, the Omega, the Light that goes from here to infinity that has no end, Has Spoken. Remember, the right to life, the right to choose your God Jehovah. You have the right to die, to go to hell, to go to Gehenna; if you don't seek your Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Holy Spirit and Jehovah.
All Power and Might belong to the Father. All Power and Might belong to the Father. All Power and Might belong to the Father. Peace My Children, Peace. All will be done according to My Father's Plan. He knows All! He does All! He Loves All! The corn has been planted and will be picked at the proper time. Rise up, read the Bible, study the Words of God, for the end is here, and pray and pray and pray.
(Non understandable tongues) (over)
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