1840. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 31 May 2006 at 8:30 AM

The Presence of the Lord came upon me and I began to pray in my prayer language. So I asked the Lord, "Am I on the right path with all of these mirrored websites around the world, because I am spending a lot of time and money on this project?"


Then I found myself, in the spirit, high in the sky, looking down on this large machine plowing the ground and making straight rows of dirt for planting.


Then the Lord said, "Plant the seeds! Plant the seeds! Plant the seeds! The funds will come through My Word. For I will touch people's hearts and souls and they will obey, for they are running out of time!


Then as I documented this, the Lord gave me a vision of a small row boat. It changed color from black to White, beginning from the front.



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