1844. Occurrence given to Raymond Aguilera on 27 June 2006
I have been very busy lately, and when I received Curt's email about recurring donations through PayPal, what crossed my mind was, this is another thing I have to figure out how to setup.
I did not want to put on hold my work with all the International websites, but something in my spirit said to listen to Curt. Though we get about 3 million hits per year on prophecy.org (English website); only about thirty to thirty-five people have been supporting this ministry over the years. Some people drop off and new people replace them, but generally the numbers have stayed about the same: 30-35 people.
After hours of trying to figure out this PayPal setup, I gave up and called them. They told me that the only way we could use their service was to setup different amounts, so people could pick the recurring amount that suited them best for each month's payment. Maybe I am a man of little faith, but if I remember correctly, I setup four or five amounts, with $400.00/month being the max. In my mind I could not believe people would give anymore than that, since the number of people giving has always stayed at about 30-35 people.
Well, that night I dreamed about the amounts I should list at PayPal for the monthly charges when the Lord gave me this scripture:
2 Ki 13:18 Then he said, "Take the arrows," and the king took them. Elisha told him, "Strike the ground." He struck it three times and stopped.
2 Ki 13:19 The man of God was angry with him and said, "You should have struck the ground five or six times; then you would have defeated Aram and completely destroyed it. But now you will defeat it only three times."
I said to the Lord "Are You telling me I should have added more amounts to the recurring monthly charges?
The Lord did not say a Word.
So I said to the Lord, "$700/month is a good number because it is your number."
The Lord said nothing.
So I said to the Lord "Are you saying to go up to $1000/month? As I asked that question I felt this inner peace come over me.
What crossed my mind was: "Do people have this kind of money?"
So I said to the Lord, "Ok; this is Your department! I will set it up the way You want it."
That is how I came up with the amounts for the PayPal recurring monthly payments.
To: 'Raymond Aguilera'
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 8:49 AM
Subject: Recurring donations
Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus, the Christ.
I believe that Ray should receive recurring donations on a monthly basis, instead of only once or once in a while. Don't you?
Dear Ray.
It would be so much more easy to remember to donate you every month if you had a button on your page, that said something like "subscribe to donations", or what it should say.
This can only be done if you upgrade your PayPal account and becomes a Premier member, instead of a common member with a Personal Account (if that is what you have for now).
1) Log in to your account, https://www.paypal.com// , click upper left corner: "Upgrade Account".
When this is all done, 2) click the blue "Merchant Tools" tab, in the top of the page.
3. Click 'Subscriptions & Recurring Payments', one of the Key Features under PayPal Website Payments.
4. Click 'More Resources'
5. Click 'Manual'
6. Click 'Subscriptions and Recurring Payments Manual', and read.
"Recurring Payments" include recurring donations.
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