1875. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera 18 November 2006 at 7:14 AM

There is no peace in the House of God. The powers that be are confused and are confusing My Flock. The powers that be need to repent, need to focus on Jesus Christ of Nazareth. They need to fall on their knees with tears in their eyes and ask the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings to forgive them for their evil, for their misguidance, for the pride, for everything that is not of God, the Father Jehovah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit. Things have to change in the Body of Christ; these are not idle Words. These are the Words of God, Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

The time of man is coming to an end, so is the time of the church of man has to stop. The powers that be, will be liquidated. If you believe in Jesus, if you believe in the Father Jehovah, if you believe in the Holy Spirit, you will correct your ways, today. What does Light have to do with darkness in the Body of Christ. The pride must go! The legalism must go! The Vengeance of God is here, the Love of God is here.

Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, for thy Words are true, thy Words are true, correct and to the point. Come people, come, listen to My Father with open ears. Open your eyes, read the Bible, seek Me, Jesus, with the Love of a Child, and I will save you. Follow the words of man and you will perish. There is no doubt about that. You follow the words of man and you will perish. Get off that wide road; go to the narrow road, read the Bible with an open heart. The Holy Spirit will answer your questions, will deliver you from evil, will give you the peace, hope and love that everyone seeks. The end is before you. The love of Jesus is here, now!

Come My People, come! Make yourself ready for Heaven. My Sheep, My Lambs know the sound of My Voice. Where I lead them, they will go. Praise and Honor and Peace to the Father, all Praise, Peace and Honor go to the Father. I Worship you Father. I Love you Father. I obey you Father. All Peace, Glory and Honor go to the Father. All Praise, Peace and Honor go to the Father. All Praise, Peace and Honor go to the Father. So be it, My Father! So be it, My Father! What You have set out to do will come to be, exactly as You have stated in the Bible, exactly as You have stated in the Prophecies, exactly, to the point. Praise you Father. Praise you Father. Praise you Father. So be it! So be it! So be it! (over)



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