1882. Dream given to Raymond Aguilera on 24 November 2006 at 7:24 AM

I have been getting the same dream for three nights now. In the dream I am a home repair man. I go to a house that I am about to repair. I unlock the front door and walk in and find some immigrants sitting in the middle of the living room floor illegally using the homeowner's cell phone. They are calling all over the world. They look surprised when they see me walk in. I ask them what they are doing and they say they're using the phone. I say, "It's not your phone. Why are you making long distance calls?" So this man explains that these people need to make calls. I tell them it isn't right and that they should leave and then I take the phone away from them.

I call the police and as the policeman arrives he interviews the man, several women and a child. I believe the man is not married to any of these women. He is just letting different people use the home owner's phone. He says he's sorry. So the policeman asks the man for his address and phone number and he gives him the information. I notice he has his own cell phone, but he is not using it. Instead he breaks into someone else's house to use their phone, so the phone charges would be on the home owner's telephone bill.

Next the policeman calls me in for an interview and I tell him again what happened, but he doesn't seem to care about these immigrants, only about what I have seen.


I see a pair of Hands shaping and forming a ball. I can see shavings of some kind near by.



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