1889. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 30 November 2006 at 2:04 AM
Now for those who are eating rice, the sugarless sugar; My Peace be with you. Follow the Lord to the letter, read the Bible, share with each other the things of God. Read the Bible the best you can. Times will become hard, but the reward is great. Remember, when Christ walked the earth, He depended on God, Jehovah and the Holy Spirit. The things He did, He did not do on His own. He walked the narrow path, straight and narrow. So remember, for people who eat rice, the sugarless sugar that is covering the whole world. The Ways of God are straight and narrow, are basic, are simple. Your Loving Father will protect those who watch from the watch tower, keep their oil ready for their lamps and seek those who do not know the Ways of the Father Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. My Peace be with you.
The things of the west look silly, are silly, most of it is not of God. You remember, you read the Bible, you help your brothers and sisters, have Communion. My Peace be with you. The things of man are hard; are crooked and are never to the point. Man is on a path of self-destruction. They never follow the rules of God. They never obey God. They never want to hear God. They believe they are God. So be it! So be it! People who eat rice, the sugarless sugar; the ways of man are best for the devil. His kingdom is big and wide. So remember, eat the Word of God. Follow His Ways. Always fear the Lord; - the beginning of wisdom. The Ways of God are simple; are direct, and are to the point. So be it! So be it! So be it! (over)
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