1900. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 21 December 2006 at 2:14 AM
I am, I am, I am, I am the Lord of Heaven. I am the Lord of the earth. I am the Lord of everything that was, everything that is, everything that is going to be. I am, I am, I am. The crossbows are ready. The archers are shooting into the air. The war in Heaven is fierce. The war on the planet will begin when the two peaks begin to seek one peak that is much taller than the smaller peak, but it will begin the end of the end. The fire will be fierce, the storm will last until the end. Those who read the Bible, those who believe in Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will survive, will be saved. Those who play games with the Word of God, with the Bible will be left in the ashes. The flare has been lit, the drums are making their noise, the race will begin, the spark that burned the world to ashes is before you.
Glory be to the Father. Glory be to the Son. Glory be to the Holy Spirit. All Power, all Might belong to the Father, to the Son, to the Holy Spirit. Remember; when you see a duck flying across the sky with a white ribbon tied around its neck, will be a sign the end is before you. All will come to a point. All will come to an end. Be strong. Be brave. Help one another, because the end is before you.
The leaders of the church of God need to re-read the Bible, need to re-train themselves, need to obey God. The leaders that will not, will become ashes and will fall into the pit with all their glory, and all their self-imposed power, which is nothing. It doesn't matter if you call yourself a prophet, a pastor, a priest, evangelist, a bishop, a pope, - the name does not matter. If you are not strong in the Word, strong in prayer, strong in obedience - you have lost. You are holding on to the leg of the devil and he is going to drag you into the pit of hell. Remember, when the leaves of the fig tree change there is a change in the air. Either you are for Me or you are against Me. I have no mercy for those who are against Me. So be it! So be it! So be it! (over)
Twenty minutes later the Lord said:
"The Muslim faith will conquer and will destroy their own until the end."
"The Power of God is Strong. The Power of God will prevail." (over)
The Lord showed me a slender bride preparing herself for the wedding. She was wearing white. (over)
People wearing white robes sacrificing a chicken. (over)
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