1908. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 11 January 2007 at 6:24 PM


The Lord showed me a Castle on this low hill with a curved path of steps.


I am everything you see, everything you touch, everything that has been, everything that will be. Open your eyes, open you ears, see the dense forest. The forest will open, the path will appear. Follow the path to the Kingdom of God. Do not look to the right, do not look to the left, keep your focus on Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Once you are through the forest you will find the Kingdom of God. Everything will be in place, everything will be in order, everything will be as stated in the Bible, with the Glory, with the Majesty of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Remember, there are evil things in the forest; things of the devil, things of man. Be careful, stay on the path, read the Bible, follow your brothers and sisters that are focused, help each other with the Love of Jesus, with the Love of Jehovah, with the Love of the Holy Spirit. Remember, My Angels will be there, the Power of the Holy Spirit will be there to guide you through the last days of this planet.

All Power and Glory belong to Jehovah. All Power and Glory belong to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. All Power and Glory belong to the Holy Spirit. We welcome you to Heaven with the Love of God, with the Love of Jesus, with the Love of the Holy Spirit, with the Love of the Father Jehovah. Be patient with one another, love one another. Like I said, help one another, read the Bible, take Communion. So be it! So be it! So be it! (over)



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