1945. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 29 May 2009 at 8:14 AM

Yes, Reymundo, why do people only pray to Me when things are going bad? And they forget during the good times. When they have their stomachs full and everything is going right, they seem to forget their Father Jehovah, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. The Love of God is twenty-four hours a day, everyday of the year, but some people seem to forget their Father Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, and only remember during the hard times, the bad times. They expect miracles during these times. The Lord Jehovah Loves all.

The meaning of Love means you care. You care for your God. Your God cares for you on a second by second bases, not when things go bad, things don’t go your way. Remember, the Power of Jehovah, the Power of Jesus Christ, the Power of the Holy Spirit is with all My sheep, all My lambs. Everything that belongs to Me; I protect. But Love is a two way street; you love Me, I love you. Some times you do not love Me, and I Love you, but that is the way with man. He is self-centered. He looks out for his own interest. God looks out for everyone, all the time.

Remember the Love of God, the Love of Jesus Christ, the Love of the Holy Spirit is you. He is for those that follow God to the letter, to the point. We Love you all, but you must trust, you must obey, you must understand the things of the Spirit. Forget the things of the flesh. I guess that is all for now, until the next time. (over)



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