1955. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 24 June 2009 at 2:19 PM
The course of the river will change. Then the violence on earth will come. All is ready. Be prepared, for the river will change its course. For what you will believe is good, is really bad, and what you think is bad, is really good. The powers that be will change as the river changes. You will see the true colors of your leaders.
You will see the coming of the end as the river changes its course. Some will ask; is it the river of life? It’s the course that the Lord has set during the end times for what is right, for what is just; the cleansing, the purification of the things of God. Remember; people you think are good will not be as good as you see things happen in the future. The course of the river will change, will change abruptly. The climates will change; the trembling of the earth will begin.
Nations will shake in fear at the coming of the Lord. Man will have no control over the things of God. The Power of Power will be, as the river changes its course. Yes, Remember the Euphrates. Remember the Mississippi. Remember the Amazon. Remember the River of Life. Remember the Giver of Life. Remember Repentance. Remember the Bible. Remember your Brothers and Sisters. Remember the Power of God. Remember the Love of God. So be it! So be it! (over)
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