Mt. Shasta

(photographed from the south side)

All photos by R. Aguilera 1997.


Mt. Shasta

(photographed from the north east side off hwy 97)


The Stone Altar built and Anointed on the South Side of Mt. Shasta on 17 May 1997 at 1:00 PM.

The Olive Oil bottle can be seen up side down on the Stones.


Ron V. at south side Altar.

Mt. Shasta South Altar Anointed on 17 May 1997 at 1:00 PM

When we arrived in Mt. Shasta City we parked my car and left in Ron's Jeep, and purchased the Anointing Oil at a local store and proceeded toward the dirt mountain road (logging road). Once we arrived at the first Mt. Shasta location (South side), we had Communion and Anointed each other with oil. Then we built the Altar to the Lord out of the local stones, and Anointed it with the olive oil. For some reason I was led to photograph the Anointing Altars. As we had expected the logging road was very bad. In some areas the Jeep almost could not go through for the road was very narrow. At one point we had to build a rock bridge to cross this stream of water to get to the second location on the East side.