506. Prophecy given to Raymond Aguilera on 23 July 1994 at 8:04 AM.. in Spanish.
I have passed. I have passed the food of God. The food of My Son, the food of the Holy Spirit. I have passed the Communion. I have passed it. Did you hear Me? Are you hungry? Eat the Communion! In that way you will refresh yourself with the things of God, with the Blood, with the Meat of My Son. You will refresh yourself, the things of God. Hurry!, everyday, everyday, the Blood, the Meat, the Body, until the end.
Did you hear Me, people of the world?, until the end, everyday. In that way I will give you the Force, when you arm yourself. I will give you Force with My Finger, with My Hand, with My Body, with My Lips, with My Angels. I will give you Force. My Son is there, the Holy Spirit is there. They will help you in the manner of God.
Gather with your brothers and sisters and eat the Communion and pray and pray. Yes, with Force there are the things of God. All the gifts, all the presents, they are in the Bible; with the Force of the Holy Spirit, I tell you the things of Heaven. Open your eyes; open your ears; for it has arrived, the day of using the gifts. The gifts that you forgot, that you hid, that you didn't believe in, there they are My sons and daughters for you are going to need them.
For the war is going to intensify there in front of you in your house, in your town, in your government, in your state, in your country, in the world. It's going to become larger with the force of the devil. You are going to need your Father, your Son, Jesus, the King of Kings, and the Holy Spirit, for the devil is going to want to eat you with this pointed teeth. But look, We are with you, with your family, with your friends, with the Body of My Son. I am telling you the truth, in the manner of God, in the manner of Heaven, in the manner of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
It has arrived, what is going to happen in the Bible eat everything that is evil. I want you to clean yourself, I want you to repent. I want you to look for My Son, Jesus, your Christ. Did you hear Me, people of the world? Clean yourself, clean all of your mind, your body, for it has started, the Horn of Heaven. It has started, all that is filthy and all that is Mine is going to be cleaned. For now, the day of the Bible has arrived in the manner of God. "The end, the end, the end, the end."
Buy your ticket for here comes the Train of Heaven, the Train of the Father, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit. Tie yourself to your seat in the Train with the Force of the Holy Spirit. For I am going to shake, I am going to frighten, I am going to hit the world with My Hands, with My Word, with the Force of the Holy Spirit.
I tell you the truth with tears, with tears. If you don't open your eyes and ears you are going to suffer, you and your family. Open the Bible. Read it everyday, look for your brothers in the street; take care of the sick; give food to the Ones that don't have it and clothes. That is the people that don't have anything, the old people.
Help them with the Word of God, and use the gifts that I gave you. Did you hear Me, Body of My Son? Did you hear Me? Do it now, this minute! Get up and begin with the Fever of Heaven, with the Fever of the Holy Spirit, with the Fever of My Son, with the Fever of your Father. All the things that I tell you are the truth and to the point. For I want you to protect yourself. I want you to protect your family with the Word of God.
Remember the Communion, "It is very important, the Communion. It is very important the Communion. It is very important the Communion. It is very important the Communion. It is very important the Communion. It is very important the Communion. It is very important the Communion. It is very important the Communion. It is very important the Communion." Did you hear Me with you ears? "It is very important the Communion. It is very important the Communion. It is very important the Communion. It is very important the Communion. It is very important the Communion. It is very important the Communion. It is very important the Communion. It is very important the Communion. It is very important the Communion. It is very important the Communion." Did you hear Me? Hurry! PRAY, tell Me if you heard Me. "It is very important, the Communion."
It is very important the Communion, if you want to save yourself. If you want to fight with Force, with the Force of the Word, with the Force of My Son, Jesus, eat the Communion everyday; "Everyday, everyday, everyday, everyday, everyday, everyday, the Communion, everyday." Yes, this is the Word of your Father, with the Son, with the Holy Spirit and repent with your heart.
Did you hear Me? "Repent right now. Repent right now. Repent right now. Repent right now. Repent right now. Repent right now. Repent right now. Repent right now." Do you know what I have said? Did you hear Me clearly and to the point?
PRAY and tell Me, if you heard what I have said. For I know what you pray. Tell Me the things of your heart. The things of your Mind. Tell Me everything that you want to say, everyday, for the day of praying has arrived. Did you hear Me? Pray everyday with the Force of your Father, with the Force of your Son, Jesus, the King of Kings.
Yes, and the Holy Spirit will help you with the Force of the Father. Yes, the Force of the Father, it is pointed at what is evil. It has arrived My sons and daughters; you have to arm yourself. Yes, it has arrived, the things of Heaven. It has arrived, the things of the pit.
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