507. Vision given to Raymond Aguilera on 25 July 1994 on 8:10 PM.
During prayer I had a vision of a large tall white triangle. This white triangle looks as tall as a forty or fifty story building. It is much higher than at the base. I can see many thousands of dark figures at the base of the triangle. Some distance from the white triangle I see a group of dark figures gathering around some sort of alter.
I sense something blasphemous. It reminds me of what Moses might have seen when he came down from the mountain after receiving the commandments from God. I can see this alter with dark figures around it. They seem to be doing something, but I am too far off in the spirit to see just what is going on. There seem to be maybe fifteen to twenty thousand dark figures all over this small valley or arena.
Now, I see this elephant walking out over this embankment carrying something with some figures walking behind it. I keep thinking or sensing in the spirit that this is an evil ritual or something very blasphemous to the Lord. For some reason I believe the triangle is the Lord.
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